Suppers of 8
Say YES to an evening of conversation, food, laughter, and deepening friendships. These dinners are a great time for adults of GCC to get to know each other more fully; we hope you’ll join in.

Dinners take place next Friday, May 17 at 6:00 PM. Couples and individuals are paired within a group of eight for an enjoyable evening. Hosts will provide the main entree and guests bring the sides. The host will be in contact with guests to confirm dishes.

Whether you’d like to attend a dinner or host one, save the date and register below. Reach out to Carrie Fuelling with questions. Please register by Friday, May 10 to participate.

NOTE RESCHEDULED DATE Guys, whether you enjoy games of strategy or luck, we got you covered. Come on out and rotate through the various games running. Direct questions to Jesse.

The earliest followers of Jesus met together in homes, around a table, to eat and drink with one another in the presence of God. This is what we see Jesus and his disciples doing in the gospels, what the disciples and the early church continuing in the book of Acts, and what we want to continue.

Our Sunday morning service is going to look a little different on May 19. We’ll be eating breakfast around a table together, taking communion as a meal (the way it was intended), singing, and opening the scriptures. We hope you can join us for Church at the Table.

Blood Drive at GCC

Appointments are wide open to give blood this Thursday, May 16. Click here to schedule your time.

With the use of books, video series, and Bible studies, this group of men are applying prayer and feedback to grow their personal discipleship.

Contact Brent Charles at / 248.761.4817 or John Buller at 248.420.9990, as needed.

Tuesdays | 7:00 to 9:00 PM